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For over 20 years, Weesoft has been designing and developing monitoring software, offering its services to companies around the world.
® 2000 - 2020 Weesoft - São Paulo | Brooklin Av Eng. Luis Carlos Berrini, 1140 - 7th Floor
SOFTWARE INTENDED FOR LEGAL USE ONLY. Installing surveillance software, such as Licensed Software, on your cell phone, PC or other device that you do not have the right to monitor, is a violation of Brazilian law and the laws of your local jurisdiction. The law typically requires that you notify device users/owners that the device is being monitored. Violation of this requirement may result in severe criminal sanctions against the violator. You should consult your own legal advisor regarding the legality of using the Licensed Software in the manner in which you intend to use it before downloading, installing, and using it. You assume sole responsibility for determining whether you have the right to monitor the device on which the Licensed Software is installed. Weesoft cannot be held responsible if the User chooses to monitor a device that the User does not have the right to monitor; nor can Weesoft provide legal advice regarding the use of the Licensed Software.